Friday, June 22, 2007

More day 3

I hopped on a 6am train to Paris to meet up with Steff and Anders. I was mildly concerned because I hadn't heard from them since their layover in Newark. My train was late, which did not improve things.

I arrived at Montparnasse at 8:25, bolted to the metro, waited ten minute in line to buy a ticket, and took the metro across town to Garde du Nord. Mild panic ensued when I didn't find them immediately. Suddenly, the crowd melted away to reveal my beloved Steffany. Moments later, Anders appeared, video camera in hand, in much the same way. It wasn't some perfect cinematic moment, but it was equally as cathartic.

Our train left while we waited in line to get our railpasses stamped. We climbed aboard what we thought was the next one, and discovered otherwise just in time to miss it. We exchanged our reservations, bought some sandwiches from exotiq, my second-favorite sandwich place in Paris, and finally got on a third train. They got salami. I got a chicken curry panini. The ride was brief, about an hour and a half. We did much catching up.

We got lost trying to find our hostel. after 20 minutes of looking for the "you are here" on a map posted in front of the world trade center, a nice man offered to help and told us we were actually off the map (I'd like a word with with the manager, please) and we were only 2 blocks away from our destination. As you can see in the video, our hostel is better furnished than your parents house. Bienvenue a Bruxelles.


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